VeteranWales NHS aims

The primary aim of Veterans’ NHS Wales is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of veterans with a service related mental health problem.

The secondary aim is to achieve this through the development of sustainable, accessible and effective services that meet the needs of veterans with mental health and wellbeing difficulties who live in Wales

The key outcomes of the service will be:

A. Veterans who experience mental health and wellbeing difficulties related to their service are able to access and use services that cater for their needs
B. Veterans in this service are given a comprehensive assessment that accurately assesses their psychological and social needs
C. Veterans are signposted or referred to appropriate services for any physical needs that are detected
D. Veterans and others involved in their care are able to develop an appropriate management plan that takes their family and their surroundings into account
E. Veterans' families are signposted to appropriate services if required
F. This service will develop local and national networks of services and agencies involved in the care of veterans to promote multi-agency working to improve outcomes for veterans and their families
G. The service will link with the military to facilitate early identification and intervention
H. The service will promote a recovery model so that veterans can maximise their physical, mental and social wellbeing in line with Welsh Governments Prudent Healthcare policy
I. To provide brief psychosocial interventions (approximately 16-20 out-patient sessions)
J. To provide expert advice and support to local services on the assessment and treatment of veterans who experience mental health difficulties to ensure local services, including addictions services, are able to meet the needs of veterans
K. To raise awareness of the needs of veterans and military culture to ensure improved treatment and support across services
L. To identify barriers to veterans accessing appropriate services and attempt to highlight and address these as appropriate
M. To collect data on patterns of referral, routine outcomes and referral on

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